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Monday, August 27, 2018

Xbox All Access Officially Launched in the US

Xvox All Access lets you pay a low monthly fee for an Xbox One and games

Microsoft has officialey announced Xbox All Access. It's a program that offers an Xbox One X, Xbox Live, and Xbox Game Pass for $35 a month (around Rs. 2,450). Right now, it's exclusive to the US. For $22 (roughly Rs. 1,540) users get an Xbox One S, Xbox Live, and Xbox Game Pass. 
Thats more than 100 all-you-can-play games — including highly-anticipated new Xbox One exclusives the day they’re released, plus more games added all the time on the fastest, most reliable gaming network and an Xbox One console.

We wont be urprised to see specific games being unavailable on Xbox All Access going forward for business reasons like this. That being said, for countries like India, where the Xbox One doesn't have a great market presence compared to Sony's PS4, it could be a game changer.

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